Letter from Phillip R. Furgason, 9/12/2006:  "Mountain Dew...rained down on James"

[Webmistress's note:  Phillip R. Furgason was a camera operator on the set of Pray for Death.--db]



I got to know James fairly well during the shoot.  Let me share an experience with you.  I was the construction coordinator on the film and was surprised by a visit from a childhood friend.  I offered Tommy a job on the crew working on the Akira's Restaurant set.  James was below talking to Sho Kosugi when Tommy knocked over a large cup of Mountain Dew that rained down on James.  He immediately started (with a subdued yell) inquiring about who spilled the drink on him.  Having seen Tommy's shocked face seconds before he darted inside I turned to James and said that I didn't know but I would find out.  It was never brought up again until I heard James laughing about it with fellow actor Parley Baer.
James also wrote the script for Pray for Death.  He was a good man and the world lost a valuable resource when he passed away.
Phillip R. Furgason
3rdcoast Productions